What are Pre-tests?

Brandon has been preparing our students for ISEB, UKISET, GL and other Pre-tests since they began! We know how to help.

British schools use pretests as a way of seeing students’ academic aptitude and their potential. Typically the pretests are online. Some are adaptive (i.e. the difficulty of the questions adapts to the student’s performance). All can present a challenge! Some schools (such as Eton, Downe House and Wycombe Abbey) have devised their own in-house tests and there are two standardised tests that have been designed to be used by multiple schools:

The ISEB Pre-test

Typically taken in Y6 (Winchester, Eton, St Paul’s, Westminster and many more) or Y7 (Wellington) for Y9 entry. The ISEB pre-test covers four areas:

  • Non-verbal reasoning (problem-solving with images and data)
  • Verbal reasoning (how do students decode language?)
  • Mathematics
  • English (comprehension, language and grammar exercises)


UKISET is a test used mainly for overseas students and is used for up to 16+ entry. Again, it measures ability but also combines with Cambridge English to test language skills and is supplemented by an essay writing task. Many of our students will take UKISET for schools such as Oundle, Badminton and St Swithun’s.

For UKISET, we offer targeted group classes and have developed an extensive higher level to Pre-Quest (known as ‘Pretest plus” which is designed to stretch older students. We are particularly proud of our vocabulary units which have been described as a ‘great help’ by our successful candidates.

Our Pretest Courses

Pre-test Perfection (ages 9-11)

Using our innovative new online platform, PreQuest, perfect your pre-test technique! Learn to decipher any verbal reasoning code or pick apart a non-verbal reasoning picture!


ISEB classes plus PreQuest exercises in two months. Lessons at Brandon, practice at home. Perfect for the students who are preparing to study in British schools. Brandon’s teachers monitor and check homework on a weekly basis, and both students and parents can access our online testing and drilling platform, PreQuest, to practice and take mock exams at home.

Our Top TWELVE FAQs from parents about the ISEB Pretest – updated!

At Brandon, we have two ways of preparing:

1: Students join our classes in Y5 and develop a solid foundation for the tests which are usually taken in the Autumn term of Y6. We also offer intensive and ‘last minute’ classes.

2: Practice at home with our platform, Pre-Quest. We cover English, maths, verbal and non-verbal reasoning. Each level is divided into units and gives you tips and hundreds of practice exercises to do at home. Once you have finished each unit, you have a timed, adaptive test to complete. Step by step you prepare for the Pre-Test.

What is PreQuest?


To familiarise our students with the content and style of the ISEB Pre-test, UKISET and GL tests, we have developed PreQuest, our own pre-test preparation platform. The platform can be used for test preparation or just to acquire an excellent foundation in key areas.

Like UKiset and the ISEB pre-tests, Prequest is a set of online, adaptive tests taken in English designed to support admission into the UK independent education system.

All PreQuest materials have been developed in house based on our experience of teaching our Brandon students.  We have seen amazing success with 100% of our students being invited to interview at their top five schools. These include: Westminster, St Paul’s, Eton, Winchester and Marlborough College.

Each section of the platform is themed to represent a world in which students acquire skills and work through adaptive exercises. Feedback is provided immediately and students can track their own progress and complete tasks to move up the leaderboard. With music, animation and top tips, the platform is the perfect way to maximise learning.

Hear our teachers in action and sample Pre-Quest for yourself!

Join the success story and conquer your pre-test with Prequest! From US$90 per month.

Click here to find out: How to sign up for Pre-Quest

For more course details, kindly have a look at our brochure:

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