Marlborough College

Marlborough College
By the numbers:
1012 students
548 boys board
428 girls board
Marlborough College is a co-educational boarding school for students aged 13-18 years old. The school is large (16 boarding houses!), mainly boarding, and is set in a market town in the South West of England.
Ranked 102nd in 2021 by the Sunday Times with 55.9% achieving A*/A grades at A level, the school has a broad intake and offers a spectacular range of sports, music and extra curricular activities including astronomy.
Who thrives at Marlborough: bright, active students who want to throw themselves into boarding life. Not a school for shy violets.
For more information, visit: https://www.marlboroughcollege.org/
The Enrty Process
No longer do you have to register at birth!
Y4 – registrations open
Y 6 – ISEB CPT in Michaelmas/Lent term (we recommend you start with our online platform www.pre-quest.com in Y5)
Y6 Lent term – interviews
Y8 summer term – ISEB Common Entrance