If you are thinking of moving to a Hong Kong International School, Brandon can help. Not only do we teach current students at the top Hong Kong schools but we have also successfully managed transitions to International Schools from overseas and from Hong Kong local schools.
German Swiss International School (GSIS) Intensive courses
We have seen a trend in Hong Kong students moving from local to international schools after primary 6 and German Swiss is amongst the top targets. How can Brandon help?
Based on years’ of student feedback and success, we have designed a bespoke course for GSIS applicants:
CAT4 test prep
- Non-verbal reasoning
- Verbal reasoning
- Quantitative reasoning
- Spatial reasoning
Practice using our own bespoke online testing environment.
For Stage two – English and Maths assessment prep
- Mathematics (Word-based maths problems)
- English (creative and essay writing, comprehension skills )
Interview prep
We don’t believe in memorisation; learn how to articulate and develop ideas and acquire skills for life.
Harrow Hong Kong Assessment & Interview Preparation
How can Brandon help?
We offer targeted tuition to achieve success:
Interview prep
Scintillate and impress interviewers, the Brandon way.
Reasoning tests prep
- Non-verbal reasoning (key techniques and methods to apply to recognise patterns)
- Mathematics (Word-based maths problems)
- English (vocabulary & comprehension skills )
A unique opportunity for online practice.
English writing
Explore different comprehension techniques and learn how to create a dazzling essay.