The Facts
Located a stone’s throw from Windsor Castle.
1320 boys, all of whom board in 24 ordinary boarding houses plus the scholars’ house which is known as College. Each house is home to about 50 boys and about 70 live in College. Each boy has his own room (a rarity!) and about half the houses use a central dining room known as Bekynton.
Brandon’s view
Eton really is the Rolls-Royce of public schools: extraordinarily good in every area. The school tour is comprehensive and will end with a Housemaster meeting, giving you a chance to ask any burning questions you might have. Boys are always particularly inspired by the DT department.
How can my son get into Eton College? What is the admissions process to Eton College?
There are multiple stages involved in entry to Eton. Step 1 in Y6 is the online ISEB CPT – we recommend using Pre-quest.com to prepare. Step 2 is an interview + the online Eton List test – be prepared for unique challenges! Step 3 in Y8 is the ISEB 13+.
Admissions to Eton College at 13+
Recommended Classes
ISEB CPT (Pre-Test)
We use Pre-quest.com to replicate the environment of the ISEB CPT. Intensive online and in-person classes covering English, Maths, Verbal and Non-Verbal questions teach skills and exam technique.
Interview Preparation
Eton boys are confident communicators, full of enthusiasm for their chosen paths and ready to take on new challenges. At Brandon, we will work with you son to take the worry out of being interviewed. Private and group lessons combine to create confidence.
Academic Studies
13+ Common Entrance needs strong English, Maths, and Science skills. For King’s Scholarship, we also offer lessons in humanities, modern languages and Latin.
What Kind of Boys Get In?
Confident and forthright! Your son needs to have clear drive and interests. During the interview, he should be articulate and enthusiastic. His school report needs to reflect his engagement.
We have had boys going to Eton from a wide range of Hong Kong schools including Harrow Intl; GSIS; CDNIS; St Paul’s Coed; Yew Cheung; DBS. Our boys who have become King’s Scholars have been fiercely intelligent with wide-ranging academic interests. The common denominator is that all our Etonians are all bright, excited about their passions, and willing to throw themselves into the life of this big school.