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Entry to top UK boading and independent schools

Entry to top UK schools


The United Kingdom is full of fantastic independent schools ranging from the very academic, like Westminster College, to those which take a broad group and offer incredible value add like Downside or Sherborne Girls. Whatever you are looking for, there will be a school to suit your child.

For the last twenty years, Brandon and Dr Jessica have been preparing students for entry to top UK schools including Eton College, Wellington College, Winchester College, Wycombe Abbey School, Downe House and Westminster School. We base our advice on visits to the schools, speaking to their teachers and feedback from past students.  Key questions we can help with include:

Where will my child thrive?

What does the pre-test process involve?

How do UK schools use the ISEB Common Pre-Tests?

What tasks are included in boarding and day school interviews?

How can I prepare my child for ISEB or CAT4 pre-tests and interviews?

How can I help my child to settle into their new school?

What are the options for people looking for British boarding schools? Which school will suit your child? How can you prepare your child for entry to a selective school?
What on earth is the ISEB Pre-test? How can you help your child with the transition to their new 11+ or 13+ school?

Brandon Can Help!

UK Top Schools and Top Boarding Schools A-level and GCSE Rankings 2024


School Rankings only give a snapshot of end results; remember that each school has different intake policies and this will be reflected in their ranking. When considering a school, also look at their extracurricular and value add offerings. As you will see, some schools offer Sixth form only. 

Source: The Sunday Times Parent Power rankings 2024

Our advice: if you are going for a highly selective school, start preparing early. Remember, testing for most Y9 entry takes place in Y6 with the ISEB Pre-Test. FOr Sixth form (Y12) entry, most schools require registration by the end of Y10 and testing takes place in Y11. We can help!

Underneath are the top schools (day and boarding) and the top boarding schools based on A level and GCSE results.

All data is for reference only.

2024 Top 10 Schools

Name of School A Level %A*-B GCSE %9-7/A*-A Gender
St Paul's Girls'School 98.2 98.5 F
St Paul's School 98 97.5 M
Brighton College 99.3 94.7 M/F
King's College School Wimbledon 97.4 98.6 M/F (Mixed VI Form)
Westminster School 96.8 98.7 M/F (Mixed VI Form)
Godolphin and Latymer 96.4 97.8 F
North London Collegiate School 96.9 96.3 F
Guildford High School 95.8 98.2 F
City of London School for Girls 96.6 95.2 F
King Edward VI High School for Girls 95.7 95.4 F

2024 Top 10 Boarding

Name of School A level %A8/B GCSE %A*A/9 -7 Gender
St Paul's School 98 97.5 M
Brighton College 99.3 94.7 M/F
Westminster School 96.8 98.7 M/F (Mixed VI Form)
Wycombe Abbey 94.7 97 F
Queen Ethelburga's 96.7 86.9 M/F
Eton College 93.6 92.7 M
Tonbridge School 94.6 92.7 M
Sevenoaks School 96.1 86.4 M/F
St Mary's Ascot 93.3 91.4 F
Concord College 94.2 89.1 M/F
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