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Cheltenham Ladies’ College



in 2023


GCSES A*/A (9 – 7)

in 2023

Scholarships on offer:

11+: Academic, Music
13+: Academic, Music, Art, Sport
Sixth Form: Academic, Music, Art, Sport


Girls’ School


Age 11 -18


851 Pupils


Cheltenham, England

  • Known in Hong Kong as ‘CLC’, this is a real power house; classrooms are full of reminders of successful women;
  • Excellent at harnessing the alumna network (‘The guild’) to inspire current students;
  • Boarding houses are clean, well-kept and there is a shuttle bus during the winter;
  • Since 2006, Brandon has been preparing girls from DGJS, St Paul’s Co-Ed, GSIS and other schools for CLC entry at 11+, 13+, 14+ and 16+.

School Fees

Boarding fees per term:
£15,050 to £16,900

Day fees per term:
£9,900 to £11,300


(ISI) Independent School Inspectorate 2023

2023 Sunday Times Parent Power Ranking

37th (Joint with Bancroft’s school)

Students boarding


11+,  13+ and 16+ admissions for Cheltenham Ladies’ College?

How do I get into CLC? What is the CLC admissions process?

11+ (Y7)

Year 7 candidates are required to attend an Assessment Day in the Autumn of Y6.

They will undertake Maths and English papers, group discussions and team activities, and will be able to ask questions about life at CLC.

13+ (Y9)

Assessment Day in the Autumn Term of Year 7.

During the day, girls will undertake written papers, group discussions and team activities, and will be able to ask questions about life at CLC.

Sixth form

Tests + interviews. Interviewers are looking for girls who will get involved in the life of the College and will ask for an essay outlining interests outside the classroom.

School Website


CLC - behind the scenes of a Brandon visit

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