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Brandon CCA at ISFA – Latest News

Summer Course for CCA 2024



CCA Class for 2024 – 2025


Please fell free to contact us for more information. Thank you!!

We’re Back!

Brandon teachers are thrilled to be back in their CCA classrooms. If you are taking classes and would like extra feedback on your child, please do let us know.

The Super Speakers, Debaters and Presenters are all busy. We are also extending our Powerful Vocabulary classes to G3-5


What’s happening next semester? 

About Brandon

Brandon has been teaching public speaking and debate at ISFA since 2008,For more than a decade, we have helped our talented ISFA students to speak confidently, develop critical thinking skills and turbo-charge their vocabulary.


Brandon are inviting all our ISF students to participate in our annual English Speaking Board (ESB) exams from Tuesday 15th May – Saturday 19th May.

Brandon Learning Centre works with the English Speaking Board (ESB); an internationally recognised exam organisation offering qualifications focused on public speaking, communication and debate skills. The exams will assess students on the skills learnt over the course and award students with a communication qualification.

These exams are a fantastic opportunity to:

  • Develop confidence
  • Put into practice their public speaking skills
  • Be formally assessed by an English ESB examiner
  • Gain a public speaking qualification – older students can receive UCAS points
  • Receive insightful feedback that will help progress and future development

Last year all our students received an outstanding 100% pass rate!

English Speaking Board (ESB) Debating Exam

We are offering our older ISF students to participate in the English Speaking Board (ESB) Debating Exam. Students will fearlessly debate with their peers and use their persuasive skills learnt over the CCA course to lead their team to victory!

The debate will take place on Thursday 17th May.

The debating exam is a fantastic opportunity for students to

  • Independently conduct a debate
  • Put into practice debate speaking skills
  • Improve leadership skills
  • Build team work and critical thinking skills
  • Use powerful persuasive techniques and support with evidence
  • Be formally assessed by an English ESB examiner
  • Gain a public speaking qualification – older students can receive UCAS points
  • Receive insightful feedback that will help progress and future development

ESB Examination - May 2017

We had some fantastic ESB Examination results this year!

ISF Open Classes - from April 30th

We are delighted to invite ISF parents to come into our ECA classes and watch their children sparkle! Please contact us to book an appointment.

Please share your pictures with us on instagram #brandonlearningcentre

Brandon Speech Charity Show 2016

Dear Parents,

Congratulations to all our Brandon Speech ISFA students that performed in yesterday’s Brandon Charity Show 2016. We saw some amazing and inspiring performances and were so proud of our confident students.

Thank you to everyone who came to support the show and helped us to raise money for both Operation Santa Claus and Helping Hand.

Performing in front of an audience is a massive achievement and the students will always be able to remember that they ARE capable of great things! Thank you too to the supporting ISFA parents and staff.

Next term: Lots more debate and students will build on their success in their public speaking assessments!

Please share your pictures with us on instagram #brandonlearningcentre

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