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Badminton School

Upcoming Seminars at Brandon : 

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Badminton School

The key stats

Badminton School in Bristol is an independent boarding school for girls aged 3 to 18 years old. In 2022, the school was ranked 107th in the Sunday Times Parent Power rankings with strong  results of 86.5 % A-level A*-B and 79.8 % GCSE A*/A/9/8/7.

Badminton girls have gone on to a range of leading universities including Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial, UCL, and Durham. The school is good at helping girls to explore their talents; one of our girls went on to a gain an interview for HSPS at Cambridge.

How do I get into Badminton School? What is the Badminton School Admissions Process?

11+ Admissions -the process

For overseas applicants: Your first step is the online UKISET test (use www.pre-quest.com to prepare!)

The second step is to be invited for an interview with a senior member of staff via video conference. Alternatively, girls can choose to sit Badminton’s entrance examinations at Brandon.

13+ Admissions –  exams and interviews

Very similar!

For overseas applicants, your first step is the UKISET test and you can use www.pre-quest.com to prepare.

If overseas candidates have met the initial assessment criteria, they will be invited for an interview with a senior member of staff via video conference. Alternatively, girls can choose to sit Badminton’s entrance examinations at Brandon

What happens during Badminton interviews – our past experience

The school looks for bright, engaged girls who have a wide range of interests and are willing to take on new challenges.

You may be asked questions which will allow you to stretch yourself such as; what would be your perfect school timetable?

For more information, visit: https://www.badmintonschool.co.uk/

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