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The Hon. Ronald Arculli, GBM, CVO, GBS, OBE, JP


The Hon. Mr Ronald Arculli, GBS, KCVO, is a Senior Partner of King & Wood Mallesons in Hong Kong. He chairs the Board of FWD Group (the insurance arm of Pacific Century Group), is Honorary Advisory Committee of SVHK Foundation Limited, Common Purpose Charitable Foundation Limited, Hong Kong and Light Be Foundation Limited. He is also a Non-Executive Director of Asia Art Archive Limited and a Trustee, Vice-Chair of the Trustees and Director of IFRS Foundation. He is Board Member and the Vice-Chairman of the Board of the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority and chairs its Executive Committee and Development Committee.

Ronald was the former Chairman of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (2006-2012) and The Hong Kong Jockey Club (2002-2006). He was also the former Chairman (2010-2012) and Board Member (2008-2012) of The World Federation of Exchanges. In 2000, he succeeded HRH the Duke of Edinburgh as Chairman of the International Award Association, present in some 100 countries – until November 2007. He has served on the Board of Governors of the London Business School.

In 2005, the City University of Hong Kong conferred on Mr. Arculli an Honorary Degree of Doctor of Social Sciences.  In 2010, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology conferred him on an Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws.

Carolyn Cheuk


Carolyn is a mother of two: her two children attend boarding schools in the UK. She was educated in Hong Kong before leaving at the age of 13 for boarding school and University in the U.K. Carolyn worked in the financial markets with U.S and European bulge bracket Investment Banks for 12 years before retiring in 2006 to become a full time mother and to concentrate on her various charitable causes. She is on the Executive Committee of the SAHK with oversight for the Children & Family Support Services as well as Supervisor for two of their Early Education and Training Centres.

Leo Kung Lin-Cheng, BBS, JP


The Executive Vice President of Bangkok Public Company Limited and Director of Bangkok Bank (China) Co., Ltd. Leo holds substantial positions including Chairman of the Board Directors, Chairman of Resources Committee and member of OPCFH Trustee of the Ocean Park Corporation, Chairman of Investment Committee and Member of Executive Committee of West Kowloon Cultural District Authority. He serves as the Deputy Chairman of Steering Committee on selection, quality assurance and review of the E-Textbook Market Development Scheme for the Hong Kong Education Bureau.

Peter Lawlor


The Principal Economic Advisor to The Deutsche Boerse. After reading PPE at Oxford University followed by post-graduate studies at The London School of Economics, Peter worked on Wall St. before setting up Water Music, the UK’s top production company working with the BBC, The English Premier League, and The Olympic Games. Peter has put three children through the English Public School system, with a son (currently at Cambridge) going to Winchester, a daughter going to Gordonstoun, and another going to St Swithun’s.

Sau-Wing Mak


Sau-Wing is a financial markets lawyer with over 20 years of experience in London and Hong Kong. She was educated at English independent schools and universities. At law school she was top of her year in a number of disciplines and subsequently went on to work at a major magic circle law firm in the City of London. Recognised by Chambers and Partners as a leading lawyer in her field, Sau-Wing headed the legal team which was awarded the market prestigious “Debt Capital Markets Deal of the Year” for each of the 5 years before her retirement from partnership in 2014 to join the Hong Kong financial markets regulator.  Sau-Wing is a regular speaker and panelist at international conferences and during her research for her doctorate in the early 1990’s, a lecturer and course tutor. Sau-Wing is mother to two boys, her elder son recently graduated from Winchester College and her younger is at Eton College.

Dr R.D. Townsend


Former Headmaster of Winchester College from 2005 to 2016. Dr R. D. Townsend studied at Scotch College Western Australia. He archived a Bachelor’s degree at the University of Western Australia with a Commonwealth Scholarship before continuing his studies at the University of Kent at Canterbury, UK with a Master’s Degree. He is currently the Chairman of Cothill Educational Trust.

Dr. Townsend had been an Assistant Master for Dover College, Abingdon School and Eton College and the Headmaster of Sydney Grammar School, Oundle School and Winchester College. He had been a governor of Terra Nova School, Old Buckenham Hall School, Ardvreck Scholl Crieff, Ampleforth College, St  Swithun’s School, the Pilgrims School, Midhurst Rother College, Cothill Educational, St John’s School, Dilijian International School and Charterhouse School. Dr. Townsend is an international consultant for the following schools: Raffles Institution Singapore, African Leadership Academy, LEAF Academy Bratislava Slovakia, Manila School Stockholm Sweden and Lumia Schools Stockholm Sweden.

Mok Sin Man Siemen


Siemen is the General Manager of a Hong Kong investment company.  After graduating in Canada, she returned to Hong Kong to practice as a CPA, eventually establishing her own CPA firm.  She is a member of the Hong Kong Institutes of Certified Public Accountants, Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, the Society of Chinese Accountants and Auditors, and Chartered Professional Accountants British Columbia and an executive committee member of Helping Hand. Siemen took early retirement to care for her two sons, and is heavily involved in charitable events and activities.  Her sons attended Winchester College and Cheltenham College in UK; both went on to study at New York University.

Henry Yau


A Chartered Accountant by training, Henry is a senior banker with over two decades’ worth of investment banking experience in Europe and Asia Pacific.  Henry is presently the Head of Mergers and Acquisitions of CMBC International, the sole investment banking arm of China Minsheng Bank, and has previously held senior investment banking positions at various international financial institutions including Deutsche Bank, J.P. Morgan and Daiwa Capital Markets.  Henry graduated with a Bachelor‘s Degree in Economics from the London School of Economics and holds a Master’s Degree with Distinction in International Banking and Financial Studies from the University of Southampton.  As an alumnus of Diocesan Boys’ School, Henry served on the General Committee of the Diocesan School Old Boys’ Association between 2010 and 2016 and is the father of a current pupil of the school and Brandon Learning Centre.

Dr. Lucy Lord

Dr. Lucy Lord

Dr. Lucy, Specialist in Obstetrics & Gynaecology, MB BChir (Cantab) FRCOG, FHKCOG, FHKAM. She has lived in Hong Kong for 29 years and has partnered with Mind UK to launch the mental health charity Mind Hong Kong. Mind HK has launched a youth mental health initiative, Coolminds, which will provide training for parents, teachers and online mental health support for young people.

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